
Bless unleashed ranger build
Bless unleashed ranger build

Ranger also has the strongest burst in the game, but only if we're comparing flate non crit damage (again mage's exponentially only stack crit damage build power physically breaks the game on ever level.). Next is ranger at least 1 ranger is a must in any dungeon run why? The class has a mark they can put on mobs that increase the mobs received damage from all attack by any source even other players, and they also have the best def down debuffs in the game right now. This class isn't to say OP or in need of nerfs like mage IMO, just that it better than the last 3 classes in the list.

bless unleashed ranger build bless unleashed ranger build

Than lastly it has the best CC in the game every basic attack they have is a ranged knockdown. Next they can tank better than crusader or berserker due to damage shield spamming and being able to heal its self. They can have the second highest DPS in the game thanks to their class passive increasing their max attack power by a % value so again exponentially increase in power not as much as mage cause it won't go over 2x increase but still OPed. Next Priest the class is a switch army knife you can adapt to any situation. Crit damage is a multipler that scales exponentially which means mage will out DPS every class by 2-5x every time even at low GS. Now yes the 50% hurts mage a lot I've seen them get one shot by low lvl mobs while this is active, but that 100% crit rate means mage only needs to stack crit damage nothing else.

bless unleashed ranger build

They have a skill called amplify which gives them 100% crit rate but 50% def down while active. Mage is currently broken with it's damage and AOE power.

Bless unleashed ranger build